Rare earth metals and othes,

The purpose of suspension of export of rare earth metals of CN


Declare a world economic power?

Against the Nobel Peace Prize?

Those are not the real reasons. It is actually used for the territorial problem. CN resume export in the country which understood that Senkaku island was the territory of them. It is a diplomacy like North Korea.


80's child of CN, a spoiled child


The prime minister Hu Jintao's successor was elected.

He couldn't democratize CN.

Release Mr. Liu Xiaobo before you resign it.

That is an introductory chapter of the democratization which you wanted to do.

Then, please reprimand 80's children, the riot boys, who had an anti-Japanese sentiment education by the Communist Party.


Budget screening again


Please screening out Ms. Ren, a woman member of the Diet. She permitted magazine interview and a photo session of the commercial purpose in the Diet Building.

She will say like this.

"The tax was not being spent."

However, the Diet Building was built by our tax.

The Democratic Party has many eccentric persons as prime minister Sengoku. Screening out the persons before the business.


hear no evil...


She saw Ichiro, and said.

- Why can he break a record?

I said,

- Because he isn't good at English.

She said,

- Why?

I Said,

- It can be concentrated on the game because he doesn't know what neighborhood saying.

She said,

- Does Ryo Ishikawa become poor if he knows English, too?

I Said,

- Maybe

She Said,

- How about Fukuhara Ai?

I Said,

- I think, she knows too much about CN what she can't be said to anyone.