Many people try to know their real intention. Then, the wise said that it is a game card for the negotiation with America.
I don't think so.
Actually, an American compromise shouldn't be necessary for their growth. 6-nation talks shouldn't be necessary for them, either.
What is necessary for them is the hostile country to satisfy national morale. America and South Korea are only for those. It is guaranteed that their country is retained by CN who is their friend.
Then, why did they do South Korea bombardment?
That is to spread the territory which can be shared with CN. As Japan Senkaku Island case, CN is eager to extend the domain of East China Sea. Expanding of closed sea of North Korea, the neighbor country, is equal to expanding of CN's sea.
CN won't agree it officially even if South Korea submit United Nations Security Council the sanctions plan faces North Korean bombardment.
They will say "It is just a territorial problem, no?"