Planning halfmiles guitar

  • It is small, then 1st fret is very close to player.
  • It is small, but a full scale length.
  • It is small, however, it is suitable to the body.
  • Then, the form is unequaled in originality.
  • And this is born with Hokkaido Wood.


  • 小さい、つまり1フレットがとても近い
  • 小さい、でもフルスケール
  • 小さい、でも弾きやすい
  • そして他に類を見ない形状

Pics / 画像

Plan / プラン

halfmiles guitar plans. / halfmiles guitar の概要です。

Guitar total weight: approx. 2.6kg
ギター本体重量: 約2.6kg



New halfmiles body / 新しいボディ

New halfmiles body inspired by traditional cigar box guitar.

1. Body shape transformation from left to right.


-1 Square body.
-2 Slant neck angle. Incline body.
-3 Flat body bottom. Parallelogram.
-4 Make leg rest.


2. Low neck pocket depth, high string action from body top. Sound blite and big.


3. Sound hole can be used for PU room.