I often ordered a corrugated cardboard box to send an instrument. For new instrument, I was decided to make a case by myself, after my favorite web page was referred to. But, it was a little difficult.
I chose light weight laminated wood as the material of the case. Plywood was one of the material too. But a sturdy case is necessary for the transport.
Make a box,
Then cut into two.
It is difficult to cut it straight.
The lid opens by hinges. To prevent a lid from sliding, the small width wood was put in the frame of the lid. It was good idea, I praised myself in a moment :-)
To make the exterior of the case beautiful, beer was saved, and fake leather sheet was purchased with a web order. Courage was necessary to purchase because it was only checked on the web
page pics, have not seen actual one. It looks good. If it is a little more strong.
Then put this sheet on the case. But...
せめて見かけだけでもと思い、ビールをがまんして、外張りに革風シートを通販で購入しました。実際に見てもいないものを、ウエブの写真だけで購入するのは 勇気が入ります。実物は雰囲気はまあまあでした。でももう少し丈夫だったらいいなあと思います。このシートを貼るんですが。これがなかなか・・・
I worried about the kind of the adhesive. I tried variously, the spray can type, etc. It disappears soon if it isn't used well. I found out that water based adhesive was the best one, at the last.
Reinforced with fold metal for sturdiness. It was the gift from the construction job, a type of industry, to think of this hardware.
Hinge and a handle were fixed on the case. The hinge was lid-removable type. It was good though it seems a little weak. A handle was made a trunk type. (But, it is exchanged later.)
The urethane sponge purchased with a web order again was used for the interior.
Cut of the urethane sponge by hand cutter knife was very difficult. The blade of the cutter was hard to cut soon.
the corner of the case was a seam of sheet, so the sheet of the part will tear up easily. Therefore, Corner rubber was applied for. The rubber was attached by a small screw, though adhesive was pre-applied to the rubber. Rubber foot was put on the top, side and bottom.
ケースの角部分は、シートを貼り合わせている場所なので、めくれてしまったり、見栄えも悪いです。ここでまた少し考えたのですが、L側のゴムを貼ることに しました。接着剤がついてますが、これだけでは弱いので小ネジで止めます。ついでにゴム足を、下側、横側(ちょう番側の面)、下側に付けます。
The case like this.
The total weight with instrument was 15kg. I was expecting it. But it is heavy...
After that, the instrument became small gradually, and a case was made short and thin, too. The handle was changed from trunk type to the other like amplifier's one. Final weight was 11kg with instrument. 4kg instrument weight, so the case weight was 7kg.
最終重量は楽器込みで11kgでした。楽器 4kg なので、ケースは 7kgということになります。やっぱり重い・・・
To repair the case, tear up, cut up, removed left adhesive then put again the exterior sheet. This work is horror for me.
The case bought certainly is cheaper (if it exists, however).
But I carried out a plan!! :-)
確かに、(ほしいサイズがあるなら)買ったほうが安いです・・・ ったく・・・
といいながら、やり遂げた自分に :-) です。
The total of the length, breadth and height of the case was about 160cm by chance. In other words, it is the Kuroneko delivery size. This was lucky because handling of the baggage changed by Kuroneko or Yamato service.
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